Digitizing VSLA
Empowering women to achieve financial independence by offering a digital community-driven banking system where regular bank accounts are not accessible.
Reliable VSLA Managment
Our digital solution provides reliable and efficient management for VSLAs, ensuring transparent transactions, accurate record-keeping, and easy access to financial information for all members. With our platform, managing VSLAs has never been easier.
Digitizing a proved loan and saving system
Empowering Women Through Community Banking
Access to traditional banking services is often limited for women in Niger and other countries, making it difficult for them to achieve financial independence. The VSLA model offers a solution for saving and borrowing money, particularly in areas where traditional banking services are not available.
Strengthening Local Economies
eArziki provides financial services and stimulates economic growth in underserved communities. Loans to small businesses and entrepreneurs create jobs and contribute to long-term sustainability and resilience.
eArziki in Numbers
CARE's VSLA Program in Numbers
The VSLA Cycle

What our users say
We have great hopes for eArziki because this digital transformation will allow:
- Linkage with financial institutions.
- Access to loans and major credits and
- The development of our IGA (income Generating Activities)